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Is There a Way to Makes Colors Not Bleed?

If you've ever removed a once-white blouse or pair of underwear from your washer only to find that it has now changed to a shade of pink, you have encountered bleeding colors. Clothing that has been dyed with darker colors can sometimes bleed those dyes during the washing cycle. You can help set the colors in your darker clothing items by using several different strategies. These strategies will help to eliminate or reduce color bleeding.


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      Wash clothing that has dark colors in cold water to prevent bleeding.

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      Turn a clothing item inside out before washing it to reduce fading.

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      Wash clothing that you just bought separately before you wear the items. Sometimes, a few washes are necessary to prevent future bleeding.

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      Separate your clothing by color before washing. If you wash darker items together, a slight amount of color bleeding probably won't be noticeable.

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      Soak your clothes in vinegar for 15 minutes prior to washing. Besides helping to set the color, vinegar also will help to remove any stains and to deodorize clothing items.