Home Garden

A Home Remedy to Dry Clean Clothes

Regularly dry-cleaning garments for business and special occasions can put a significant strain on a tight household budget. Environmentally conscious people may hesitate to use dry-cleaning services due to a high environmental impact or the usage of non-biodegradable substances. Dry-cleaning bills can be reduced or eliminated through identifying the fabric and treating accordingly at home.
  1. Wool

    • Wool garments can be gently treated at home with entirely natural ingredients. Obtain a stiff garment brush, salt and a folded piece of linen fabric. Lay the wool clothing item on a clean, dry work station. Spread salt across the garment with the aid of the folded linen. Brush the salt off the garment vigorously in a downward motion and repeat if necessary. Avoid rubbing the salt in a circular motion as this can damage the appearance of the fabric.


    • Cleanse leather garments with a mixture of fine-grained white clay paste and purified water. Ensure the clay paste is free of adulterating additives that will change the cleansing effect. Make a thick, dry paste from proportions of two parts clay and one part purified water. Using gentle, long strokes, brush an even coat of clay paste over the entirety of the leather garment. Avoid agitating the clay paste, as this can tear the delicate leather grains. Shake the clay chunks off when the garment has dried.

    Rayons and Silks

    • Rayons and silks can be gently cleansed in water without damage to the garment. Fill a clean sink or basin with cool water. Add several drops of a gentle, castile soap that is pH balanced. Avoid unnecessarily acidic or basic cleansers as they will damage delicate fabrics. Gently swirl the garment, avoiding agitating, squeezing or wringing the fabric. Lay flat to dry on an absorbent cotton towel. Adjust and turn the garment every few hours to avoid mildew until completely dry.


    • Sweat and grease stains on rayons and silks can be gently and effectively remedied with natural ingredients found in the home. Spray a mixture comprised of one part white vinegar and two parts purified water parts over areas of the garment that have been affected by sweat or other odors. Allow to dry completely in an area with good ventilation. Apply a mixture of one part purified water and two parts fuller's earth to areas of dry-clean only garments affected by grease stains. When the spot treatment has dried completely, gently brush or shake off.