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Laundry Detergents That Can Be Harmful

Laundry detergent manufacturers promote their products as new, improved and more powerful stain-removing detergents that produce colors so bright that sunglasses may be needed. Each claim sets a higher level of consumer expectation, and to deliver on these promises, some laundry detergents contain ingredients that may effectively remove dirt but leave more dangerous substances behind.
  1. Optical Brighteners

    • Optical brighteners are chemicals that create optical illusions by transforming UV light wavelengths to give the appearance that clothes are actually whiter than they really are. However, these chemicals cause mutations in bacteria, are toxic to fish and cause allergic reactions in some people when exposed to sunlight, according to the website SixWise.com. In addition, the U.S. Air Force has issued instructions that airman battle uniforms should not be laundered in detergents containing optical brighteners because it makes the uniforms more visible in low-light environments and is particularly vulnerable to night vision equipment.


    • Synthetic fragrances are added to laundry detergent to give it a pleasant smell. These additives pose several problems because they contain undisclosed ingredients that have not been tested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, according to NaturalNews.com. Some of these fragrant additives can cause mild allergic reactions characterized by runny eyes and nostrils, but they can also cause asthma attacks. In addition, the Environmental Working Group states that one of the undisclosed ingredients includes diethyl phthalate, which is linked to sperm damage.


    • Surfactants provide powerful cleaning by attaching to oils and effectively removing them during the wash cycle. While natural surfactants do not pose a health threat, chemical surfactants -- which are common in laundry detergents -- present several risks. Linear alkyl sodium sulfonates -- usually listed as anionic surfactants in the detergent's ingredients -- pollute the environment by releasing reproductive and carcinogenic toxins during the process of production. Nonyl phenol ethoxylate accelerates breast cancer growth, and it feminizes male fish by mimicking the effects of estrogen. Because of health concerns, Europe has stopped adding this surfactant to consumer laundry products, says SixWise.com


    • Bleaches are used to disinfect laundry, and although they destroy bacteria and other germs, they are also highly toxic when ingested or in contact with the skin, eyes or nostrils. As a result, bleaches are the source of more poisonings than any other substance, according to Laundry Today. Bleach and ammonia -- another dangerous ingredient found in some laundry detergents -- should never be mixed. Combining these two substances produces toxic chloramine gases that can cause nausea, coughing, chest pains and shortness of breath, and in a worst-case scenario, it can cause pneumonia, according to the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.