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How to Block a Knitted Wool Shawl With Fringe

Devote extra time and care when washing and blocking a fringed wool shawl. Preventing tangles in the fringe requires less effort than removing them once you have washed the garment. A woolen shawl requires gentle handling during the washing phase. If you forgot to prepare the fringe before washing the item, have no fear; there are a couple of things you can do to remove pesky tangles once the fringe is wet.

Things You'll Need

  • Mild shampoo or dish washing liquid
  • Tepid water
  • Clean bed sheet
  • Blocking surface
  • T-pins
  • Rubber bands (optional)
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      Tie the fringe into one loose knot before you wash the shawl. This works best with long fringes. Tie shorter fringe into several small bundles using rubber bands. Securing the fringe before laundering the garment will prevent tangling.

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      Add a squirt of mild dish washing liquid or shampoo to a basin of tepid water. Submerge the shawl in the soapy water for no longer than half an hour. Remove the shawl and gently squeeze out the suds. Drain the basin and refill it with clean tepid water. Put the shawl back in and agitate it gently in the water until the suds are removed. Remove the shawl and gently squeeze was much water out as possible. Do not wring or twist the shawl.

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      Lay the shawl on a large clean bath towel and roll it up. Squeeze the towel to remove more water. Use another towel if the first one becomes saturated.

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      Untangle the fringe while it's wet, if you did not bundle it up before washing the garment. Comb through it gently with your fingers and straighten the strands. Alternatively, gather a handful of wet fringe and slap it once or twice against the edge of a hard surface, such as a sink or table, to help untangle it.

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      Place the shawl on a flat blocking surface that's covered with a clean sheet. The surface may be an area of floor that won't be walked on while the shawl is drying, the top of a mattress, a large table or a shady spot under a tree in the backyard.

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      Stretch and push the shawl into shape on the sheet. Lacey shawls can be stretched more than densely knitted ones can.

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      Use T-pins to secure the edges of the shawl to the sheet. Pin out the corners first. Pin the centers of the edges. Use additional pins at equal intervals between the ones in the centers of the edges. If your shawl has a lace edging with points, use one pin for each point. Straighten the fringe and eliminate any kinks or tangles. Using plenty of T-pins will help you achieve the smoothest edges.

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      Allow the shawl to dry completely before folding it up and storing it.