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How to Get a Salt Stain Out of Satin

Satin stains easily as everything it contacts leaves a mark. Removing the stains is not an easy process. Satin is a relatively delicate fabric, but it isn't impossible to get rid of even a stubborn salt stain. The trick to removing salt stains is counteracting the salt in the fabric.

Things You'll Need

  • Wash tub or large bucket
  • Delicate laundry soap
  • Baby wipes
  • White vinegar
  • Protein shampoo
  • Steam iron
  • Piece of cotton fabric larger than stain
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      Check the garment to make sure it is washable. Half fill a laundry tub or large clean five gallon bucket with cold water. Dissolve 1/4 cup of liquid laundry soap designed for delicate fabrics in the water. Soak the garment for 30 minutes in the tub.

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      Rinse the garment with clean cool water. See if any of the stain is visible. Wrap the satin garment in a towel and roll it, then squeeze gently to remove the water. Air dry the garment.

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      Check the fabric for the stain; if it persists, use a baby wipe to blot the fabric. Test the baby wipe on the inside of a seam first to make sure it does not affect the fabric. Blot the fabric where the stain is with the baby wipe. Rinse.

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      Fill the bucket or tub with warm but not hot water. Add in 3 tbsp. of protein shampoo. Wash the garment in the soap and water solution by hand. Rinse the area with the stain with cool clean water.

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      Remove a further stubborn stain by adding 1/4 cup of white vinegar to a gallon of water. Soak the stain in the vinegar water for 15 minutes. Rinse in cool clear water. Dry the garment in a towel and hang to dry.

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      Lay a piece of cotton fabric over the stained area. Carefully hold a steam iron 2 inches from the fabric and allow the steam to penetrate the area. Use the steam shot feature on your iron if it has one to puff steam into it. Press gently on the cotton fabric with your hand and steam again for about 30 seconds per round. Do this three times. Remove the cotton fabric and see if the steam has pulled the salt from the satin into the cotton fabric.