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How to Clean Tarnish-proof Cloths

Tarnish-proof cloth is manufactured to absorb atmospheric gases responsible for the tarnishing of silver. The cloth is often used to wrap silverware or line the bottom of drawers or containers that house silver. While tarnish-proof cloth helps keep silver clean, the cloth cannot be washed or dry-cleaned. Manufacturers warn that water or chemical treatments will ruin the tarnish-proofing treatment. To clean tarnish-proof cloth, you must lift the dust and dirt without the use of liquids or solvents.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape
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    • 1

      Remove the silverware from the tarnish-proof cloth, and lay the cloth flat on a clean work surface.

    • 2

      Cut a length of tape from a roll, enough to wrap loosely around your three middle fingers.

    • 3

      Tape the length of tape to itself to make a circle.

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      Insert the three middle fingers of your hand through the tape circle.

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      Place your fingers flat on the tarnish-proof cloth, so the tape makes contact with the surface of the cloth. Move your hand over the cloth, so the tape rotates around your three fingers as you move. Continue cleaning the cloth in this manner until the tape gets dirty. Replace the tape as it fills up with dust or lint.