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How to Keep a Towel Smelling Good Out of the Shower

Many people prefer to use use their towels a couple of times between washes to save the time and energy of doing laundry. But towels can develop a sour smell when they are left in a wet or humid area and can even smell dank after being washed. When the towels can't thoroughly dry, bacteria, mold and mildew thrive, creating lingering odors. Treat your towels right and they'll stay fresh even after a couple of showers.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Essential oil
  • White vinegar
  • Scented dryer bag or dryer balls
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      Hang the towel on a rack after you use it to let air circulate through the cloth. Throwing wet towels onto the floor or in the laundry basket can allow bacteria to grow and mold to form.

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      Pour clean water into a spray bottle. Add five to 10 drops of your favorite essential oil, cover and shake, and then spray the towel with a light mist to freshen it.

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      Fill a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar if you do not have essential oils. Spritz the towel with the vinegar after you hang it up. Vinegar prevents mildew from forming and neutralizes odors.

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      Clean towels in the washing machine using the hottest water possible. Place three or four towels at a time in the washer to prevent overloading the appliance, which can prevent the water and detergent from cleaning effectively. If the towels smell sour, add about 1/2 cup of baking soda to the load.

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      Place the towels into the dryer with a scented dryer bag or dryer balls to keep them smelling fresh. Avoid using fabric softener on your towels since it can reduce the absorbancy of the fabric.