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Natural Additive to Laundry to Kill Mites

Dust mites, too tiny to see without a microscope, are prevalent in bedding, upholstered sofas and chairs, and rugs and carpets. Dust mites can survive only in warm fabric at moderate to high humidity, where they live off of dead skin cells. Even with the disgust factor, people might decide to ignore the situation if allergies to dust mites weren't so common. Some natural additives to the laundry may help eliminate a dust mite problem.
  1. Eucalyptus Oil

    • Some studies have evaluated the effectiveness of using eucalyptus oil to get rid of dust mites. Research published in the September 2011 issue of "Pediatric Allergy and Immunology," for example, demonstrated that washing soft toys in eucalyptus oil at a concentration of 0.2 to 0.4 percent reduced dust mites by 95 percent. Another study, published in the October 1997 issue of the "Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology," also showed good results with eucalyptus oil. The researchers combined 100 mL of eucalyptus oil and 25 mL of a liquid dishwashing detergent, and added that to 50 liters of warm water in a top-loading washing machine. They mixed the solution, then soaked blankets for 30 to 60 minutes and completed a normal laundry cycle.

    Tea Tree Oil

    • Adding 30 drops of tea tree oil to a regular laundry cycle will kill dust mites, according to Steve Tvedten at "The Best Control" website. A study published in the December 2007 issue of "Fitoterapia" verifies that tea tree oil is effective at ridding laundry of dust mites.

    Wintergreen Oil

    • An article published in a 2001 issue of "Environews" notes that vapors of wintergreen oil are effective at killing dust mites in closets and dresser drawers. While the author doesn't discuss using wintergreen in the laundry, commercial laundry products designed to kill dust mites are available that contain wintergreen oil. If you'd like to add wintergreen oil to your usual laundry routine, use the procedure recommended for adding tea tree oil, with 30 drops added to detergent in a regular load.

    Hot Water

    • The most effective way to kill dust mites in the laundry doesn't involve additives, but simply using very hot water. The water temperature must be at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit, according to National Allergy. This is a scalding temperature, and your water heater likely is not turned up this high. You'll need to turn the heat up temporarily, and keep everyone away from the hot water faucets in the meantime. Some fabrics are damaged by hot water, however, and if you do laundry in an apartment or at a laundry facility, you won't have access to the water heater.