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How to Dry White T-Shirts to Prevent Wrinkles

T-shirts are made of spun cotton or a cotton-polyester blend. Cotton T-shirts are unmatched for softness and fit, but unless the cotton is blended with polyester, they tend to wrinkle even if they are washed and dried with care. White cotton T-shirts are especially challenging to dry because every wrinkle shows on the light fabric. You may not be able to eliminate every wrinkle on a white cotton T-shirt without ironing it, but you can take steps to reduce their appearance.


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      Set the dryer to the "Permanent Press" setting. Permanent press uses a moderate amount of heat, which will dry the T-shirt without overheating it and setting the wrinkles.

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      Set the dryer to only as much time as you need to dry the clothes. For example, if you are drying your white T-shirt by itself, you may only need to dry the T-shirt for 10 to 15 minutes. Overdrying the shirt can shrink it as well as set the wrinkles.

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      Remove the T-shirt as soon as the dryer stops. If you do not hear the dryer stop and the T-shirt is cool to the touch when you open the dryer, mist the T-shirt with water from a water bottle and restart the dryer for 10 minutes on the permanent press setting to loosen the wrinkles. Then, remove the T-shirt immediately.

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      Hang the white T-shirt immediately. This will prevent wrinkles from forming.