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How to Fix Powdery Walls in the Basement

No matter what type of home you live in, the chances are good that you will encounter mold at one point or another. Removing mold when you encounter it is important not only for aesthetic reasons, it also can cause health problems for your family, structural damage to your home and a host of other issues. Basement walls, for example, frequently are a favorite breeding ground for molds that appear as a white powdery substance. In these cases, the mold can be removed in a few basic steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Scrubber
  • Bleach
  • Water
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      Mix the bleach solution for cleaning the mold growth off the wall. A mixture of 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup bleach diluted in 1 gallon of water is ideal for this purpose. Depending on the amount of powdery mold growth on your basement walls, you may need to mix more than 1 gallon of the solution.

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      Remove the mold growth using the bleach solution and an abrasive scrubber. Keep scrubbing until no powdery mold colonies remain, though take care to not damage the walls with the force of your scrubbing. Allow the wall to dry thoroughly after scrubbing.

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      Eliminate the source of moisture that caused the mold to grow on your basement walls in the first place. No matter where mold grows in the home, an integral step in cleaning it up is to eliminate the source of excess moisture that molds need in order to survive. Check floor drains, plumbing attachments, appliances, ceilings and walls for any leaks, and have the leaks repaired at once. This will help ensure that more mold colonies do not form on your basement walls in the future.