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How to Keep Hair & Fuzz Off Comforters

There are not many things less appealing than making your bed, only to look at the final product and be amazed by the sheer amount of hair, fuzz and fur that have built up over time on the fabric. Fortunately, routine cleaning, maintenance and prevention can help keep your bed fuzz and hair free.
  1. Preventative Maintenance

    • Preventative maintenance can play a big part in keeping your comforter fuzz and hair free. For starters, putting a removable comforter or duvet cover over the comforter will protect it completely from dirt, debris and all unwanted fuzzies. You can find these covers in places where down bedding is sold, as they are commonly used to enclose down comforters. Another option is picking up your comforter and hanging it up in a safe, clean place when it is not in use. If you are concerned about particles in the air, you may want to use an air cleaner or filter in the bedroom.

    Identifying Shedders

    • Avoid purchasing furry, fuzzy blankets, bedding and pajamas that you know will be inclined to shed fuzzy particles all over your comforter. If you are concerned about your own hair getting on the comforter, brush your hair thoroughly before going to bed in order to remove loose strands. If you are really concerned, sleep in a hair net that is designed for use in professional food preparation venues.


    • Pets are a common cause of hair and fuzz. If you do not want pet fur on your comforter, do not allow pets on your bed or even in your bedroom. Groom pets regularly to cut down on the amount of loose fur that sheds off of them in your home and is tracked into your bedroom on your clothing. When you are selecting new pets, look for breeds that do not shed.

    Daily Care

    • It is inevitable that some hair and fuzz will occasionally find its way onto your covers, regardless of what preventative measures you take. Keep a lint roller on hand to remove fuzz when you see it. You may also want to consider regularly running a hand held vacuum cleaner over the comforter. When you wash your comforter, make sure it is alone in both the washer and the dryer so that it does not pick up debris from other items.