Home Garden

How to Get Rid of the New Vinyl Smell From a Waterbed

Vinyl waterbed mattresses give off a plastic-like odor in a process called offgassing. These phthalic acid esters are more noticeable when the mattress is new but are present to a lesser degree when the mattress gets older. The smell is unpleasant and causes health problems in susceptible people. It is important to diminish offgassing wherever possible.


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      Air out a new waterbed mattress for a few days before placing it in its frame. Open it out fully and air it indoors. Preferably, do it outside on a dry lawn or clothesline. Much of the smell will dissipate.

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      Ventilate your bedroom. Operate an air-exchange system or open windows as the weather permits.

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      Expose it to fresh air if it was stored in a very hot place. Excessive heat sometimes causes offgassing to increase. The exposure will bring it down to a cooler temperature.