Home Garden

Can I Use Grapefruit Extract to Clean the Carpet?

Carpet cleaners contain harsh, toxic chemicals that fill your home with what are essentially pollutants. However, these chemicals are not your only option, since several natural items will safely clean your home. One of these options is grapefruit extract. Grapefruit extract will thoroughly cleanse, deodorize and disinfect the carpet naturally without dangerous chemicals.
  1. What is Grapefruit Extract?

    • Made from extracting the liquid from grapefruits, grapefruit extract — also called grapefruit seed extract — provides a wide array of benefits for you and your home. Grapefruit extract has antifungal and antibacterial properties and works well as an all-natural home remedy for various health problems, including acne, athlete’s foot and yeast infections. In addition, grapefruit extract will naturally clean your home and kill bacteria and fungus growing on surfaces, including carpet.

    Hand Cleaning Carpet With Grapefruit Extract

    • Hand cleaning your carpet requires no expensive machines and instead involves using common cleaning tools that most homeowners already have. To begin, pour 1 gallon of lukewarm water in a plastic bucket and add 10 to 15 drops of grapefruit extract. Use a long-handled spoon to mix the extract and water together. Begin the cleaning process on the area of the carpet away from the entrance. Scrub the carpet with a soft-bristled scrub brush while moving toward the entrance. After you have cleaned the entire carpet, let the diluted grapefruit extract air-dry.

    Carpet Cleaning Machine and Grapefruit Extract

    • Another option for cleaning your carpets with grapefruit extract is to use it with a carpet-cleaning machine, which you can purchase or rent at grocery stores and home improvement centers. Detach the container on the carpet cleaner that holds the cleaning solution. Fill this container with hot water to the level, add 15 to 30 drops of grapefruit extract and mix with a spoon. The extract will clean deep down into the carpet fibers without leaving any lingering residue. Reattach the container on the carpet shampooer and plug the machine in the nearest outlet. To use the carpet-cleaning machine, squeeze the trigger located under the handle while pushing the machine forward slowly. This releases the mixture from the carpet cleaner and onto the carpet. Immediately after pushing the cleaner forward, pull it backward in the same path to suck the liquid out of the carpet fibers. Continue in this manner until you have cleaned the entire carpet.


    • Before using any cleaning solution on the carpet, test it on an inconspicuous area first. If the cleaning solution causes discoloration or damage to the carpet, refrain from using it. In addition, run a vacuum cleaner over the carpet regularly — including right before hand washing or using a carpet shampooer — to keep it looking its best.