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How to Get Rid of Foam Smells in Pillow-Top Mattresses

Springy and absorbent, foam is a common component of virtually all modern mattresses, include comfortable pillow-top mattresses. These foamy products absorb and distribute a sleeper's weight with cushioning springs and an extra top layer of foam, allowing for a good night's rest. People who are sensitive to foam smells may find the odor of a new mattress offensive. While the foam production odor will fade with time, you generally have to wait the smell out. However, there are some steps you can take to reduce the foam odor more quickly. You'll breathe better and rest more soundly after you've rid your pillow-top mattress of stinky foam smell for good.

Things You'll Need

  • Breathing mask
  • Oscillating fan
  • Deodorizing spray
  • Mattress cover
  • Sheets
  • Fabric softener
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      Put on a breathing mask before handling the mattress. Grip the bottom of the mattress, then roll the mattress from top to bottom like a jelly roll. Do this several times to push out some of the manufacturing smell. Ask a friend or family member to help you roll up a large or firm mattress.

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      Place the mattress in a room with open windows and an oscillating fan. Turn the fan toward the mattress and allow the mattress to air out for 24 hours before using it.

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      Spray the mattress with deodorizing spray, from top to bottom. Do this two or three times, allowing the mattress to rest an hour between each spray.

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      Cover the mattress with a plastic mattress cover. Covering the mattress will suppress some of the smell.

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      Wash fitted and top sheets, then dry them with fabric dryer sheets. Place the scented sheets on the bed to cover the smell.