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How to Clean Your Water-Stained Double-Pane Windows

Double-paned windows have two pieces of glass resting on the same pane, with a small space between them. Double-paned windows often are sturdier than single-paned windows, but the windows can develop unsightly water stains between the pieces of glass. Traditional cleaning does not do much to alleviate these water stains, but you can clean the windows inside and out with window cleaner and the right tools.

Things You'll Need

  • Electric drill
  • 1/8-inch drill bit
  • Spray bottle
  • 2 plastic tubes
  • Putty
  • Plastic bucket
  • Funnel
  • Window cleaning solution
  • Squeegee
  • Clear tape
  • Needle
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    • 1

      Fill a spray bottle with cool water. Set a 1/8-inch drill bit onto the electric drill. Mark a drill spot on the top right corner of the windowpane. Mark a second drill spot on the bottom left corner of the windowpane.

    • 2

      Carefully drill a small hole through the marked spot on the top of the windowpane. Using a low setting, slowly press the drill through the windowpane, while simultaneously spraying the drill bit with the spray bottle. The water will keep the drill bit cool, which will prevent the metal from heating and cracking the glass. Repeat for the second marked spot.

    • 3

      Insert one plastic tube through the bottom hole, leaving enough tubing outside of the windowpane to filter the cleaner into the bucket. Wrap a small amount of putty around the tube to hold it in place. Place the end of the tube inside the bucket.

    • 4

      Insert the second plastic tube through the top hole, leaving a small portion outside of the windowpane. Secure the second tube with putty.

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      Insert the funnel into the top tube. Gently pour the cleaning solution through the funnel. The cleaning solution will funnel through the tube, between the windowpanes, and through the second tube into the bucket. Pour enough cleaning solution to remove the water stains from inside the windowpanes.

    • 6

      Empty the cleaning solution from the bucket. Remove and discard the putty and tubing. Allow the moisture from the inside of the windowpanes to dry for two days.

    • 7

      Saturate the outside of the window with the window cleaner. Grasp the squeegee in one hand, and place the rub end against the top right corner. Quickly swipe the squeegee across the top of the window. Move to the next section and repeat for the rest of the window. Use the window cleaner and the squeegee to clean the other side of the window.

    • 8

      Cover the holes with clear tape after the moisture dries. Use the needle to poke a small hole in the tape. This will keep moisture from building up inside the window and reduce stains in the future.