Home Garden

Removing Tape From Granite

Granite is a natural stone building material used for tile, countertops, vanities, tables and other household items. It does best with gentle cleaning and, like other natural stone materials, is sensitive to harsh cleaning chemicals. Oil-based products may also leave stains if used on granite. Removing tape from granite generally is not a problem, but you want to use a solution that will loosen the adhesive without harming the granite.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Clear rubbing alcohol
  • Bowl
  • White cloths
  • Razor blade
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      Put on rubber gloves. Pour 1/4 cup of clear rubbing alcohol in a bowl. Add 1/4 cup of water.


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      Dip a white cloth in the bowl and then rub the cloth over the tape to moisten it.


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      Push the edge of a razor blade carefully beneath one corner of the tape. Grasp the loosened corner and pull it slowly from the granite. If the tape breaks, moisten the tape remaining on the granite and again push the razor blade beneath a corner to loosen it from the granite.

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      Wipe the cloth over adhesive residue remaining on the granite. Flatten the razor blade against the surface and gently scrape away the adhesive.

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      Moisten a fresh cloth in the alcohol-and-water mixture. Scrub away any remaining residue from the granite. Rinse it with plain water and dry with a dry cloth when you are finished.