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What Is a Turbo Nozzle on a Vacuum Cleaner?

A canister vacuum cleaner is a cylindrical collection unit with a hose attached to it. There are several different types of attachments for the end of the hose that help to pick up dirt and debris in various situations. One type of attachment is referred to as a nozzle, and it can come as either a turbine or a turbo nozzle. There are advantages to using a turbo nozzle that can extend the life of your vacuum and make vacuuming easier.
  1. Definition

    • A turbo nozzle is the attachment for a canister vacuum that is most commonly used for general vacuuming duties such as vacuuming a floor or the surface of furniture. It has a small turbine lined with small brushes installed in the center of it that is turned by the suction force of the vacuum. As the suction turns the turbine, the brushes pick up the debris to be sent to the canister. A turbo head sits on two rubber wheels to allow it to run across most flooring surfaces.

    Turbine vs. Turbo

    • The turbine nozzle uses a small motor to run the brush turbine system and is sometimes offered as an alternative to a turbo nozzle. The electric motor in the turbine nozzle makes it heavier than the turbo nozzle and more difficult to maneuver when vacuuming furniture or stairs. The electric motor creates an additional point of failure that the turbo nozzle does not have, which makes maintenance costs on a turbine nozzle more expensive.


    • Because the turbo nozzle works in conjunction with the suction of the vacuum, you need to check your hoses and connections frequently to ensure maximum efficiency. A hole in the vacuum hose or a connection to the turbo nozzle that allows air to escape will slow the turbo nozzle and require you to vacuum the same areas more than once to get them clean.


    • The lack of a motor in a turbo nozzle means that it needs to be cleared of debris to run properly. Fabric strings, twine and yarn can get wrapped around the turbo nozzle brush turbine and bring it to a stop. The hose connection for the turbo nozzle should be checked frequently to remove debris. If the connection for the turbo nozzle is obstructed, then the brush turbine will not spin.