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What Can Be Used on an Antique Mirror to Prevent Streaking?

Lending an old world look to your home, antique mirrors exude charm and elegance. Over time your mirror may begin to collect dust and will need to be cleaned. Many commercial products and cleaners can leave unsightly streaks that detract from the mirror's natural beauty. Using the right materials, you can restore your mirror’s shine and glimmer without leaving any streaks behind.
  1. Spot Cleaning First

    • Rough spots made by old adhesive materials or patches of dirt can make it difficult to clean your mirror effectively. Treat these spots by soaking them with undiluted white vinegar. Saturate the areas and leave them to soak for at least 15 minutes. After soaking, they should wipe away much easier. For a little extra help with stubborn spots, use a credit card or plastic utensil to remove the stain without scratching the delicate glass.


    • Taking a simple approach to cleaning your mirror, you can eliminate the use of chemicals while preventing ugly streaks. Mix a half cup of white vinegar or ammonia into one gallon of water and pour your solution into a spray bottle for convenient use. If neither of these materials is handy, other options for streak-free glass are one tablespoon of lemon juice in one quart of distilled water or three tablespoons of washing soda in three cups of distilled water.

    Gentle Materials

    • Newspapers are the optimal choice for cleaning glass gently without leaving streaks. Crumple up a piece of newspaper and use it to wipe the mirror clean with your chosen cleanser. A microfiber cloth is also quite helpful if you don’t have newspaper. If you don’t have a microfiber cloth, opt for one that is soft and lint-free. Small soft-bristled brushes may be handy for cleaning in corners and crevices that are otherwise difficult to reach.


    • When cleaning the mirror, do not apply excess pressure to it by leaning on it, as this may cause the glass to break. Avoid anything abrasive so you don't scratch the glass. It is also important to use distilled water when cleaning your antique mirror to avoid possible hard water from your faucet leaving mineral deposits behind.