Home Garden

What Cleans Mobile Home Ceiling Pads?

Designed to withstand moisture and wear, mobile home ceiling pads have a paneled surface that is either smooth or textured. Under normal circumstances, the ceiling pads need little maintenance or cleaning. Over time, however, things like kitchen grease, nicotine and airborne dust can build up. In the case of serious staining, you may need to replace the pads, but for minor marks and routine cleaning, there are several options for cleaning them.
  1. Static Duster

    • The static duster you use to keep your electronics dust-free also works well for routine ceiling pad cleaning. Attach a duster to the end of a broomstick, or purchase a long-handled duster to reach all areas of the ceiling easily. Do this every month or so to prevent cobwebs in the corners and to keep the pads looking fresh, especially in the living and bedroom areas of your mobile home.

    Vacuum Cleaner

    • Your vacuum can clean your ceiling as well as your floors. You'll need a hose with a long-necked brush attachment. Run the brush along the edges of the pads, then vacuum each pad in a back-and-forth motion from top to bottom. Vacuum the ceiling pads a couple of times a year or any time you do a major cleaning that kicks up dust.

    Microfiber Pad

    • If you notice buildup on the ceiling pads that have minimal texture, especially in the kitchen, try removing it with a clean microfiber mop pad. Keep an extra pad on hand for wiping the ceiling and walls; don't use the one you use to clean the floor. Moisten the pad and squeeze out the excess water. The microfiber will grab any residue on the pad. Avoid using microfiber pads on highly textured ceiling pads, as they can damage the fiber.

    All-Purpose Cleaners

    • If you have plastic-coated or painted ceiling pads, you can clean them with a wet solution such as a diluted all-purpose cleaner. If you're not sure whether your ceiling pads are washable, test a small, hidden area first. Dilute the cleaner in warm water as directed; you can use a citrus cleaner, a green cleaner, a grease cutter spray or oxygen bleach. Clean the pads with a soft sponge. This method will remove tough buildup such as kitchen grease.

    Dry-Cleaning Solid

    • For uncoated ceiling pads that won't tolerate wet cleaning, use a dry-cleaning solid to spot-clean them. The cleaning material comes in a plastic tub and has the texture of soft clay. Press the material on the spot and pull it away to remove dirt. This method isn't recommended for cleaning an entire ceiling; it's good for uncoated ceiling pads with small areas that need a more intense cleaning than a duster or vacuum can manage.