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Will Acetone Harm Vinyl Windows?

Acetone is a colorless, flammable chemical that dissolves adhesives and removes dirt and debris from a variety of objects and surfaces. But the chemical is not one you want to use to clean your home or business’s vinyl windows, including the frames, tracks and glass. Acetone will remove the vinyl’s coloring, break down the material’s fibers and eventually dissolve the vinyl.
  1. Effects

    • Acetone is caustic to vinyl even if you dissolve the chemical in water. The chemical removes any protective layers or sealants that may be present on your vinyl windows. With continued use, acetone starts to break down the vinyl. In addition, do not use paint thinner, solvents, products containing acetone and petroleum products to clean your vinyl windows -- these chemicals are also harmful to your vinyl windows.

    Product Ingredients

    • When buying cleaning products for your vinyl windows, check the products’ ingredients label for the words “dimethyl ketone,” “2-propanone” and “beta-ketopropane.” These are all names for acetone -- avoid buying these products. Also, nail polish remover is acetone and is also harmful to use in cleaning your vinyl windows.

    Soap Solution

    • Use a mild dishwashing liquid and warm water solution to clean your vinyl windows -- 1-part dishwashing liquid and 1-part warm water. Apply the solution using a soft cloth or towel and then rinse the windows thoroughly with water. Dry the windows with a clean cloth or towel. You can also use a commercial cleaner designed for vinyl windows and surfaces, available at hardware and home improvement stores.

    Stain Removal

    • Use a nonabrasive, general purpose cleaner to remove any stains that a soap solution or commercial cleaner did not remove. Test the cleaner in a hidden area before proceeding to remove the stain(s). Do not use a paint scrapper, utility knife, wire brush or other abrasive tool to remove the stain -- these tools will damage the vinyl.