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Homemade Fleece Duster

Many dusting devices are available that claim to make dusting faster and easier, but they are pricey and may not fit into everyone's budget. Recreating these products with fleece fabric is a simple way to get the results you want in an economical way. Making your own fleece dusters allows you to have a personal duster with colors and patterns. They hold up well in the washer and dryer and are easy to fold and store.
  1. Working With Fleece

    • Fleece is lightweight and easy-to-wash fabric that is easy to work with. Most types of fleece don't need to be hemmed to prevent fraying. Hand-sewing fleece works, as does putting fleece through your sewing machine. Several types of fleece are available, making it easy to find the right material for your duster.

    Benefits of Fleece for Dusting

    • Fleece is a good choice for dusting because it attracts dust and fuzz but is easy to wash. Making a duster out of fleece allows you to clean quickly and efficiently without a lot of sewing or maintenance. Fleece holds up well in the washing machine, allowing you to wash your duster after each use without too much wear and tear. Using fleece is an environmentally friendly way to clean your house without the waste produced by disposable dusting products. Another perk of fleece is that it contains no harsh chemicals, which are present in many products sold for dusting.


    • Choose your fleece and cut it into four pieces; two pieces that are 8-by-8 inches and two pieces that are 4-by-6 inches. Sew the small piece to the large piece. Line them up on the bottom and center the small one over the larger one. You will do this twice, ending up with two pieces. Stack the two pieces and, moving the small ones out of your way, sew the two larger pieces to each other in the center. Insert the dusting rod into the smaller pockets and cut around the outside to create dusting strips that mimic those in commercial dusters.


    • To save even more money on homemade dusters, look through your fabric scraps, or fabric scraps of a friend or family member. You may find what you need without having to go to the fabric store. Another alternative is to cut up old or outgrown fleece sweatshirts, jackets or blankets. Use two types of fabric when cutting out your duster pieces for a fun and unique design. Fleece dusters make inexpensive gifts for the environmentally savvy and frugal people in your life.