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How to Know if a Bathtub Is Acrylic

Acrylic bathtubs offer several benefits that are not available with cast iron, steel or fiberglass tubs. These benefits include a lower price, lighter weight and simplified maintenance. When you are ready to make a purchase, you must be able to identify an acrylic tub among the bathtubs created with other materials to ensure you buy what you need. You can use the known features of acrylic bathtubs as a reference while you examine the available selection.


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      Examine the surface of the tub. Acrylic bath tubs have a luxurious, glossy finish that other tubs do not. This finish lasts a long time if the bath tub is well maintained.

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      Check the weight of the tub. Acrylic tubs are light enough to lift, unlike iron and steel tubs. You may also check the density by tapping the sides of the tub. Acrylic tubs emit a hollow sound, because of their weight, while metal tubs emit a dull sound.

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      Examine the style of the tub. Unlike other tubs, acrylic tubs are available in a large variety of styles because manufacturers can mold the plastic into any shape. The tub is likely to be acrylic if it has a luxurious shape or contains beveled sections.

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      Compare the prices of the bathtub selection. Acrylic tubs are considerably less expensive than cast iron and steel tubs. They also cost about twice as much as fiberglass bath tubs because the manufacturing process for acrylic tubs makes them more durable.