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Can You Put OdoBan in a Steam Mop?

Steam mops are a convenient alternative to traditional string or sponge mops. While traditional mops are dipped into a bucket or bin that holds water and a cleaning solution, steam mops carry the water they use inside a tank on the mop itself. Traditional mops may have products, such as OdoBan, added to the water to effectively eliminate household odors. However, adding this product to your steam mop could damage your appliance.
  1. How Steam Mops Work

    • Steam mops have a mop head covered with an interchangeable cloth or pad. The handle of the mop holds a tank and heating element. Water added to the tank is heated by the heating element when the mop is plugged into an electrical source. As the water heats, steam is created and forced out of the mop through openings beneath the pad on the mop head. This steam is hot enough to clean surfaces using only the hot water, as the water moistens and removes dirt or stains and the high heat sanitizes the surface.

    Odoban Explained

    • OdoBan is a commercially produced cleaning product. The chemicals contained in OdoBan are formulated to remove odor from soft and hard materials. OdoBan also kills germs and viruses on hard surfaces. This product is often added to mop water for the purpose of sanitizing and deodorizing the floor, though this is unnecessary when using a steam mop, as the steam mop uses steam to disinfect surfaces. Though use of OdoBan in a carpet steam cleaner is safe, using the product in steam mops is bad for the mop and could damage or clog the mop.

    Other Cleaning Liquids

    • Certain types of steam mop manufacturers produce and sell additives to use in their brand of steam mops. These additives are formulated using ingredients that further disinfect and remove household odors without damaging the steam mop. This option varies by the type of steam mop you own, however, and not all steam mops recommend use of additives in their tanks. Always check your steam mop owner's manual to determine whether you can use additives safely in your mop and to determine which additives are compatible with your mop.

    The Best Option

    • Plain water is always the best option for use in your steam mop. Though the water contains no added disinfectants, the heat is a disinfectant and the water will not damage your mop. Occasionally, tap water contains minerals such as calcium or magnesium that leave behind residue and deposits that could clog your mop and reduce the effectiveness of the heating element. Prevent this by filling the tank with distilled white vinegar and allowing it to heat through a cycle in the tank to dissolve the minerals. You can also prevent this by using only distilled water in the tank, as distilled water already has those minerals removed.