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Will Soy Cleaner Remove Smoke Smell from Leather?

Leather furniture and clothing items are notorious for absorbing the odors around them, including those created by cigarettes or a fire in the fireplace. Leather items are usually expensive, so it makes sense to try to clean and salvage your leather goods whenever possible rather than replacing them.
  1. Smoke and Soy Cleaners

    • There is a wide assortment of soy cleaning products available, but none that are specifically marketed or recommended for treating smoke odors on leather. It is possible to find a soy cleaning product that will help remove the smoke odor from your leather furniture, but there are a number of other aspects you need to take into consideration when choosing a soy cleaner to try on your leather.

    Cleaning Leather

    • Leather is a porous fabric that can last a very long time if you maintain it properly, but it does require a certain amount of care in order to clean it without causing lasting damage. This can make getting smoke odors out of leather a bit of a challenge. Leather cleaners are designed to clean leather without removing the natural moisture and texture of the material. Leather cleaners normally contain ingredients such as olive oil, neatsfoot oil and glycerin soap.

    Soy Cleaning Products

    • Soy cleaning products have been advertised as an alternative to cleaning products that feature harsh chemicals as their main ingredients.There is no specific standard for what items can be designated as soy cleaners, other than they should contain soy as one of the primary ingredients. This means that some soy cleaners are both more effective and harsher than others, such as those used to thin or strip paint.

    Soy Cleaners and Leather

    • Cleaning leather improperly, which can occur if you use a cleaning product on leather that's too harsh, can lead to discoloration, cracking, dryness and other permanent damage. Before you use a soy cleaner on your leather item, read the list of materials that the cleaner should be used on. If you are uncertain whether a product is safe for leather, you need to read and research the ingredients in the cleaner thoroughly to make sure that none of them have the potential to damage your leather.