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How to Disinfect Dirty & Dusty Carpets

Dirty shoes and pets take their toll on carpets and can leave them dirty and dusty. Short of hiring a professional carpet cleaner, there are a few things you can do yourself to clean and disinfect dirty carpets. While it can be labor intensive, disinfecting dirty carpets is effective and simple to accomplish with a few basic tools and materials. However, if your carpets have water damage and show signs of mold or mildew, it is best to hire a professional to clean them since they can pose a health hazard to susceptible people.

Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Baking soda
  • Borax
  • Scrub brush
  • Steam cleaner
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      Vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove any loose dirt, dust and other particulate matter since it will turn to mud and become more difficult to remove once exposed to liquid cleaning agents. Make several passes over the carpet until you are satisfied that it is clean.

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      Combine 1 part baking soda and 2 parts powdered borax to make a dry cleaning solution. Sprinkle the mixture across the carpet. Rub it into the fibers of the carpet using a scrub brush or coarse wash cloth. Let the mixture sit on the carpet overnight, or for at least six hours.

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      Vacuum up the baking soda and borax cleaning agent the next day. Make several passes over the treated areas to lift as much of the cleaning agent as possible. Feel the carpet with your hand to determine where any cleaner remains. If so, continue to vacuum until the residue is gone.

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      Fill a steam cleaner with plain water. Turn the internal thermostat to high to produce the hottest water possible, which will help disinfect the carpet. Run the steam cleaner over the carpet in an overlapping grid pattern. Keep steaming the carpet until the water drawn up through the rinse pipe is clear, which indicates that there is no more loose dirt or dust to draw out.

      Allow the carpet to dry for at least 24 hours before walking on it since the residual moisture will mix with any dirt on your shoes and leave a grayish film on the fibers. Wait at least three weeks before performing another deep cleaning on the carpet.