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Does Orange Cleaner Emulsify Oil?

Orange cleaner offers a safer alternative to chemical cleaners. The power of citrus works to dissolve household dirt and grime -- without the negative effects on health and the environment associated with cleaners that contain chemicals. It breaks down sludge, emulsifies grease and rinses away cleanly. An emulsifying agent breaks down oil, making it easier to remove. This makes orange cleaners a useful option for cleaning the garage, the kitchen and throughout the home. It leaves a citrus scent too.
  1. Orange Cleaner Properties

    • Orange cleaners are free of butyl and petroleum, making them a safer, green choice for household cleaning. It's a noncaustic product, meaning it won't burn your skin. These citrus-based cleaners are also free of fumes. Real orange cleaners are biodegradable, meaning they break down naturally instead of building up in the environment. Although orange cleaners have a slightly greasy feel, they rinse off, removing emulsified oil and grease.

    Orange Cleaner Uses

    • Orange cleaner helps remove oil residue from kitchen sinks and utility sinks. These cleaners emulsify oil to give you clean stove tops, ovens, kitchen counters, floors, tools and surfaces that are safe to clean, such as painted or sealed cabinets and base boards. It's generally safe to use orange cleaner on hard surfaces, such as refrigerators, most countertops, crockery, sealed wood and linoleum. You can mop with it and use it to wipe down nonporous furniture, including varnished wood and chrome.

    Emulsifying Oil With Orange Cleaner

    • Real orange cleaners are citrus-based, not chemical-based.

      Orange cleaner instructions generally recommend applying the cleaner to oil and leaving it on. For example, spray or wipe the stove with it and then leave the product in place for 10 to 15 minutes, although the recommended time varies by brand. This gives the cleaner time to emulsify the oil, making it easier to clean up the oil completely. Rinsing the surface with warm water helps remove the cleaner and any remaining oily residue. Wiping off all excess oil before applying the cleaner simplifies the oil cleanup.

    Orange Cleaner Tips

    • Read the label on the cleaning product before you buy it. A chemical product scented with orange isn't the same as an orange cleaner made from citrus. Manufacturers try to make their products attractive to consumers, and labels can be misleading.
      As with any cleaner, it's best to apply a small amount of the cleaner on an inconspicuous area before you clean a surface that could be damaged by cleaning, such as a wall, upholstery fabric or tiles. Avoid using orange oil on leather.