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Can I Use PVC Cleaner on CPVC?

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) are materials used to manufacture pipes and fittings. Both substances are corrosion-resistant and environmentally sound, according to the Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association. PVC and CPVC are cleaned using a cleaner or combined primer and cleaner to remove dirt, oil or grease from the pipes.
  1. Applications

    • PVC pipes and fittings are used for a variety of applications, including sewer lines, conduit lines and water distribution systems. CPVC pipes and fittings are used mainly in water distribution systems. Both PVC and CPVC function well in a variety of extreme weather environments. They’re also resistant to common household cleaning chemicals that can deteriorate or corrode other types of pipes, such as copper and cast iron.

    Cleaner Products

    • PVC cleaner can be used on CPVC. Products that clean both PVC and CPVC can be purchased at home improvement or plumbing supply stores. The cleaner comes in both a UV or black-light formula that is clear and in a purple formula. The type of formula used depends on each local or state jurisdiction’s building plumbing codes. Some jurisdictions require the UV or black light formula, to avoid messy discoloration from the purple formula. UV and black light formulas are visible using a UV or black light, but the color applies clear.


    • The cleaner prepares PVC and CPVC pipes for solvent cement application. The Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association suggests the solvent cement used on the pipes penetrates more effectively if the pipes are cleaned using an appropriate cleaner or cleaner and primer combined.

    Solvent Cement

    • Although the same cleaner can be used on PVC and CPVC pipes and fittings, different solvent cement is used on each. Solvent cements, which softens the fitting to create a strong bond. The solvent should be applied before the primer dries, because the primer also softens the pipe's surface, creating the strongest bond.