Home Garden

Vacuum Robot Project

Tech-loving homeowners have an option when it comes time to sweep up the dust from the floors. Many companies now manufacture robot vacuums at prices that are affordable to the average homeowner. While the primary reason for the production of these vacuums is to offer homeowners an alternative to the traditional, hand-pushed vacuum, these robotic items can also be useful in a number of different projects.
  1. Experimentation

    • To gain a better understanding of the robot vacuum’s cleaning power, experiment with your vacuum following the scientific method. To satisfy your inquisitive personality, set up trials for your vacuum, arranging for it to pick up items of various size and texture. If you have access to more than one type of robot vacuum, pit the two against each other, experimenting to determine which of the vacuum options is best.

    Review Writing

    • For practice in non-fiction writing, use your robot vacuum as inspiration for a product review. After using the vacuum in various conditions, compose a concise account of the quality of cleaning the vacuum delivers. Urge others either to buy the same vacuum, or select a different option. Write this review merely for pleasure, as a school project, or seek a market for your finished piece.


    • If you are a thrill-seeking robot vacuum owner with friends who also own robotic vacuums, set up a robot vacuum race. Unite with these vacuum-owning friends and set up a robot vacuum race track down which to send your sweepers. Use cones or wood to create this track, including twists and turns to trip up the vacuums and add interest to the race. After preparing your track, line up with your friends at the start and set your vacuums free, standing by the sidelines and urging them on to victory.


    • If you possess a keen interest in computer programming, use your skill to manipulate the functioning of your vacuum through modification of the computer code. To do this, you must possess the ability to hook the vacuum up to a computer or another read-out device and as well as a knowledge of computer programming code savvy enough to interpret the code already loaded into the device. Because these skills are highly specialized, this project is often best undertaken as part of a class lead by a highly skilled programmer. Modifying a vacuum's programming code is not easily reversed -- and will likely void your warranty -- so it isn’t something you should try at home unless you are planning to discard the robot vacuum anyway.


    • For an artistic project involving a modern robot vacuum, decorate the appliance. If planning a Halloween party, for example, dress the vacuum as a mummy and allow it to move around the space, cleaning up after your guests as the party goes on. Similarly, turn your vacuum into Santa, dressing it in fuzzy red and placing a hat atop it before setting it loose at a Christmas event.