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How to Clean a Toddler's Chalkboard

Chalkboards give toddlers a safe and practical space for use to exercise their artistic talent. Although the chalk can leave dust for you to clean up, a vacuum or dusting cloth can remove much of that dust on the chalkboard and tray. Toddlers may write on the chalkboard with items not meant for the slate finish, such as crayons, pens and markers. You also may have problems with body oils and food on the chalkboard. These additional challenges may leave you searching for products that can remove the marks. Simple household products often can do the job.

Things You'll Need

  • Eraser
  • Cloth
  • Eraser cleaning machine (optional)
  • Dusting spray
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Spray bottle
  • Alcohol
  • Chalk
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      Clean your erasers before you begin cleaning the chalkboard. Clap the erasers together or wipe them with a clean cloth to remove the chalk residue from the eraser. Vacuum the erasers to remove chalk dust if you have access to an eraser cleaning machine. The amount of chalk dust you remove from the board depends on how clean your eraser is, so always start with a clean eraser.

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      Wipe the chalkboard down with clean, felt erasers. Wipe from the top to the bottom, moving from left to right. If the eraser begins to leave chalk behind, stop and reclean the eraser.

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      Use a clean, dry towel to wipe the chalkboard down. You may spray the towel with a dusting product, but let the spray dry before you wipe the board to prevent depositing the cleaner on the slate surface. Vacuum the chalk tray with a small, portable vacuum cleaner to prevent the chalk dust from redepositing on the board or being swept onto the floor.

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      Spray a mild white vinegar and water solution – one part vinegar to three parts water – on a small section of the chalkboard and wipe it off with a damp cloth in a downward direction. Dry the wet portion of the board with a soft, dry cloth. Clean the board in 6-inch squares from the top to the bottom and right to left. Do not wipe in circles and use a clean portion of the cloth for each section.

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      Spot-clean portions of the board that don’t come clean because the surface is marred by things other than chalk. Wipe the board with a cloth dipped in diluted isopropyl alcohol – one part water to one part alcohol – to remove pen, crayon or marker.

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      Allow the board to dry fully before you let the child use the blackboard. "Chalk" the board, or prepare the board for chalk writing, by covering the entire board with a white, dustless chalk after a thorough cleaning with anything more than the mild vinegar and water solution. Turn the chalk on its side and mark from one side of the board to the other in stripes from top to bottom. Erase as normal, and your board should take the chalk well.