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How to Rid Antique Books of Silverfish

Silverfish are small, flat insects that commonly infest homes, particularly in humid areas. Although they are not dangerous to humans, they eat starchy materials and often damage or discolor antique books by consuming the paper and glue bindings. Silverfish reproduce often and live for up to three years, so eradicating them from your home can be difficult and may require insecticides. However, you can remove them from individual books without any chemicals or further damage to the antiques.

Things You'll Need

  • Zip-closure plastic bags
  • Airtight bags or containers
  • Dehumidifier
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      Place infested books into zip-closure plastic bags. Close the bags most of the way, and squeeze the air out. Seal the bags fully.

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      Put the sealed bags into the freezer. Leave them there for three days.

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      Take the bags out of the freezer and remove the books. If the books are delicate or seriously damaged by the silverfish, turn the pages carefully and pick out the dead insects. If they books are sturdy enough, hold them open upside-down and shake them gently to dislodge the silverfish.

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      Store the books in airtight bags or containers. Use a dehumidifier in the storage area to reduce the likelihood of another infestation.