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Could Bleach Kill Mold on Food?

Mold spores are everywhere -- in the air we breathe, in some medications, and even in some of the food we eat. While a few types of mold can be beneficial, other strains can make you ill or even kill you.
  1. Types

    • There are over 400,000 types of mold, according to the Advanced Mold Inspections company. Of those, about a thousand are present in households. Molds are divided into three major groups: allergenic, pathogenic and toxigenic. Many of the molds found in homes are allergenic, though the dreaded black mold is part of the toxigenic group. Black mold releases a toxin that can cause serious health problems.


    • Before using bleach on mold, consider that bleach contains corrosive chemicals. One of the major chemicals in household bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which is strong enough to burn with its fumes alone. Injuries from bleach can include skin and eye irritation and burns, and lung burns from inhalation. Ingestion of bleach or foods treated with bleach can cause stomach pains, burning of internal organs, coma, and even death.


    • While bleach may be safely used to kill mold on hard surfaces, it is never a good idea to treat food with bleach. Consumption of bleach can harm or kill people and animals. Use caution when handling bleach around food, and rinse areas used for food preparation that have been cleaned with bleach.