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How to Apply Danish Oil on Wooden Floors

Danish oil is a product used to treat unfinished lumber, which includes bare wooden floors. If you do not want to finish your floors, you can create the same glossy sheen and protective coating with the oil. The oil draws attention to the natural color and grain of the wood floors and does not have a harsh odor. You can use Danish oil on hardwood or softwood floors. After applying the oil, you can use the floors like normal the next day.

Things You'll Need

  • Broom
  • Damp mop
  • 2 dry cloths
  • Buffer with cloth pad
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      Sweep the wood floor surface. Mop the surface with a damp mop to remove any stains. Let the wood air dry.

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      Pour a quarter-sized amount of the Danish oil onto a dry cloth. Rub the oil into the wood surface, starting in a corner on the wall farthest from the door. Rub the oil into the wood a plank at a time, following the grain.

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      Continue applying the oil to the wood planks, working across the room. When you have finished the first section of planking, let the floor soak up the oil for 30 minutes. Apply another coat of the oil to the section, then wait another 30 minutes. Repeat this until the floor stops absorbing oil.

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      Wipe down the section with a dry cloth to remove any unabsorbed oil. Repeat the application, soaking time and reapplication with each section of the floor until you have done the entire floor. Wipe up unabsorbed oil with a dry cloth as you go.

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      Let the entire floor dry for 12 to 18 hours. Attach a cloth pad to a floor buffer and set the buffer to its lowest speed. Buff the floors by gently moving the buffer across the surface of the entire floor.

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      Walk the floor and look for any matte spots. These are spots that need more oil. Apply a dime-sized amount to a clean cloth and rub it into the matte spots. Let the spots dry overnight, then run the buffer over the spots again. The floor should have a sheen.

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      Use the floor as usual. Do not spill water on the floor or damp mop it for 2 weeks.