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How to Control a Daphnia Bloom

Landowners and even government water management officials encourage the growth of daphnia blooms to help keep pond and lake water clear, lower the amount of algae and to kill bacteria. Daphnia is the common name of a sub-species of water flea. These organisms feed on bacteria and algae in the water and keep it clean and clear. They also provide nutrients for fish and other underwater creatures. Control and encourage daphnia to add it to your aquarium or fish pond.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Pond water
  • Powdered Tufa rock
  • Dried dung
  • Nylon stocking
  • Aquarium aerator
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      Fill an aquarium with fresh water from a pond or stream.

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      Add powdered tufa rock to the water. This adds a slight amount of calcium to the water, which encourages the daphnia to reproduce. Purchase tufa rock from an aquarium supply store and consult the manufacturer's directions to determine how much to add depending on the size of your aquarium.

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      Keep the water temperature between 64 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. This is best done by keeping the aquarium inside your home.

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      Place dried horse, cow or sheep dung into a nylon stocking. Hang it over the aquarium and into the water. The bacteria from the dung will feed the daphnia. Remove the dung and replace it when the water gets cloudy. Purchase dried dung from an aquarium supply store.

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      Aerate the aquarium on the lowest setting possible. Too much bubbling can kill daphnia.

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      Change 40 percent of the water every week. Do this by taking out a portion of water and adding new stream or pond water to the tank. Add tufa rock to the new water before you put it in the tank.

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      Continue the maintenance process and harvest the daphnia as needed, using a small net.