Home Garden

How to Keep Black Crows Off a Deck

Featuring shiny black plumage, crows are a large bird of the genus Corvus. Crows can take up residence on your deck and become more than a nuisance. Their constant squawking and bird droppings can disrupt your daily life and stain your deck. Crows also are rather curious and can become increasingly interested in what is going on in your home. Several methods are available to help keep the crows away from your deck without harming the bird.

Things You'll Need

  • Silver pie pans
  • Yarn
  • Fake crow
  • Firecrackers or poppers
  • Water hose
  • Red laser light
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      Clean your deck regularly and keep leaves, sticks and other items crows could use for their roosts picked up, off the deck and out of the yard.

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      Hang silver pie pans from the deck. As the wind moves the pie plates, it frightens the crows away. Poke a hole in the top of a pie plate and string a piece of yarn through it. Tie the string near the area of the deck crows sit on.

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      Set a fake dead crow on the deck. You can purchase fake crows at Halloween stores or various online merchants. Secure the fake crow on the deck to keep the wind from blowing it away.

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      Create load noises to scare the crows away. Small firecrackers or poppers will frighten the crows off your deck. With regular use, you will drive the crows away.

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      Spray the crows with a water hose set on light pressure whenever they appear on the deck. Repeat this process whenever the crows return.

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      Frighten the crows off the deck with a red laser light. According to Iowa State University of Science and Technology, crows will scatter when they see the dot dancing around.