Home Garden

How to Get Rid of Tiny Fly-like Insects From Inside of a Home

Among the many pests that can invade a house, some of the more common are tiny fly-like insects commonly called fruit flies or gnats. These insects are usually between one to two millimeters long and are recognizable by their slow, almost hovering flight. They're usually attracted by rotting fruits, vegetables and other organic materials. Though they breed rather quickly, there are steps that can be taken to eradicate them from your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic container
  • Banana peel
  • Insecticide
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      Make a trap. Place a banana peel inside a plastic container. Poke a few holes in the plastic using a toothpick. Make sure the holes are large enough for a fruit fly or gnat to crawl through. Place the trap near problem areas. The flies will be able to enter but won't be able to exit.

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      Eliminate the things attracting the pests. You can usually find what is attracting the flies or gnats by noticing where they congregate. Compost bins, fruit bowls and potted plants are often the culprits. This is usually the easiest way to get rid of gnats.

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      Spray an insecticide made for flying insects. These can often be found at grocery and garden supply stores. Follow the instructions on the container, spraying the poison near problem areas but making sure to follow safety precautions.