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How to Fix Crushed Sofa Pillows

Over time, sofa pillows suffer the effects of being leaned against, sat upon and even hugged tightly. Eventually, the once fluffy pillows may develop a crushed appearance that a simple patting can't correct. Don't toss them into the trash just yet; it's possible to improve the appearance of crushed sofa pillows and keep them attractive for a long time to come.

Things You'll Need

  • Clothes dryer
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    • 1

      Examine the sofa pillows closely to make sure the material has no frayed ends and that the covers are sewn on securely.

    • 2

      Place the pillows into the dryer and set it to low heat. Allow them to remain there for approximately 10 minutes. You can also add a dryer sheet, if desired, to freshen the fabric. A few clean tennis balls can help fluff feather pillows.

    • 3

      Remove the pillows from the dryer and fluff them liberally with your hands.

    • 4

      Fluff the sofa pillows with your hands once every one to three days to maintain their appearance.

    • 5

      Toss them into the dryer about once each month to keep them from developing a crushed appearance.