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How to Handle a Bad Roommate When You Can't Move Out

Sharing a living space with a nightmare roommate can be extremely difficult and frustrating, especially when, for whatever reason, you cannot move out. A lot of factors can bind a person to a roommate, including not being able to pay full rent alone and being locked into a year-long lease. If you have to reside with an unpleasant roommate, learn to cope and make the best of the situation.


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      Start communicating with your roommate. Even if you do not know your roommate well, it is important to establish an environment where you can freely communicate with each other. Insufficient communication is just asking for tension and resentment. Approach your roommate in an honest and clear manner. No matter how tense it may feel to speak with her, realize that it is something that needs to be done. Discuss putting together some basic rules for your home. For example, how early is too early to start playing loud music on a weekend morning? Who should be responsible for taking out the trash and handling the recycling? What is the visitors policy? If you have general guidelines for your home, there leaves no room for confusion.

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      Bring up problems. If you have a bad roommate, obviously you have to deal with his specific issues. Do not be afraid to talk about what isn't going well in your roommate situation. By doing this, you can come up with solutions as a team. In a non-accusatory manner, mention some of your biggest qualms about your living circumstances. Say something like, "John, since I have to wake up really early for college every morning, I was thinking that maybe we should set a curfew for music and socializing at night. What do you think?" Speak in a polite yet firm manner that will not invite the other person to get defensive. After all, what you are looking for is a solution, not to further the household tension.

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      Ask your roommate if there is anything you can do to change. When you approach your bad roommate, you do not want to make it seem like you are perfect and do nothing wrong. Chances are you do some things that irk your roommate, as well. If you make yourself seem open to criticism, it may help soften your roommate up to you. It also may give her an incentive to want to change, especially if she thinks that both of you are making an effort. Sincerely ask her if she's okay with your heavy weekend cooking, your out-of-town visitors or your fragrant potpourri bowls all throughout the apartment.

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      Stay away from each other. In some situations, roommates do not get along with each other simply due to personality differences. Your roommate may seem "bad" to you because you just don't see eye-to-eye on things. If that is the case, create a more peaceful environment by staying out of his way. Greet him politely when you see him. Speak to him civilly when you have an important matter to discuss, whether it is a landline phone bill or leak in the apartment. Just do not try to befriend him or get to know him any more than necessary.

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      Get busy. If you are stuck to a roommate that you do not like, try to handle the problem by getting out of your home more. Use your dissatisfaction with your living situation as a reason to try new things. Start jogging around the park every evening. Begin taking courses at a local college in a subject you love. Take time to connect with your closest friends. The less you see of your roommate, the easier it can be to handle her.