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Honey Varieties

While honey is often eaten on bread or as topping on various desserts, there are in fact many ways to eat this naturally sweet substance. Honey may be differentiated by the types of flowers where the bees gather pollen, but it also comes in different varieties when it comes to processing.
  1. Comb Honey

    • Comb honey is honey that has been cut from the frame, and it consists of both pure honey and the edible wax comb in which the bees store it. You may simply eat the comb and wax with a spoon, it can be spread on bread, or it can be eaten with a cheese and fruit plate as an appetizer.

    Liquid Honey

    • Liquid honey is the type of honey most commonly seen in stores. It has been processed through a centrifuge to remove the chunks of honey comb from the honey itself. It may be sold in jars or even in squeeze bottles for tidier application to food. Liquid honey is often pasteurized to preserve the smooth texture and to prevent crystallization.

    Creamed Honey

    • Creamed honey may also be known as crystallized honey. In this type of honey, the sugar in the honey combines with water molecules to produce a firmer product. This crystallization may happen with unpasteurized honey that is left in a warm environment, but in those cases, the crystals formed are large and coarse. Creamed honey, on the other hand, has a thick, smooth texture, and though it is spreadable like liquid honey, it does not drip.

    Chunk-Style Honey

    • Chunk-style honey is a mix between comb honey and liquid honey. A chunk of honey comb is placed in a jar and liquid honey is poured over it. This format allows the buyer to have both honey that can be spread and honeycomb that can be eaten.