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How to Handle a Rat at Work

Rats and mice are pesky trouble-causing creatures. They can be found in almost any home or workplace. They can eat wires, chew holes in walls and go through garbage for food. Dealing with them can be a difficult process, but there are many ways to get rid of and prevent these rodents from entering your environment.

Things You'll Need

  • Rat traps
  • Rat poison
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      Purchase and set up rat traps where you see the rats most often. There are many types on the market and can be found at any hardware or chain store. Some traps are humane and allow the rat to be set free after capturing. Some traps kill the animals and the rats have to be disposed of properly. If you are not skittish, try capturing the rat with two large cups and release it outside. Poison will also work if you put it in corners and entrance ways. The rats will eat the poison and slowly die off. The problem with that is if the rats get into the walls, they will die there and it will be difficult to detect and remove the rat. If the boss at work allows, call an exterminator to rid the pests from your workplace.

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      Avoid leaving any food around -- on the floor, in desks or in lockers. Foods of all kinds, even crumbs, attract rats. Take out the garbage on a daily basis so there is no temptation for the rats. Sweep and collect any papers lying about; rats use paper to make nests. Keep areas as clean as possible.

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      Check for any holes or gateways that a rat might enter through. Have them sealed up with plaster and wallboard.