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How to Make Hand Cleaning Wipes

Hand cleaning wipes are convenient to keep on hand, as they clean residue, germs and other contaminants from your hands without the need for running water and soap. You can purchase hand cleaning wipes from any retail store, but making hand cleaning wipes in your home will help you control exactly what chemicals and products you use on your skin. Purchase the items you'll need from a grocery store. Purchase the essential oils from a health or craft store.

Things You'll Need

  • Baby oil
  • Baby shampoo
  • Essential oil
  • Used cylindrical or rectangular hand wipe container
  • Serrated knife
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    • 1

      Mix 1 cup water with 1 tbsp. baby oil and 2 tbsp. baby shampoo or baby bath gel. Add 2 drops essential oil of your choice to make the solution smell pleasant.

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      Pour the solution into an old, empty cylindrical hand wipe container. If you don't have this, use a rectangular baby wipe container.

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      Cut a roll of paper towels in half with a serrated kitchen knife if you are using a cylindrical container. Pull out the inside roll of cardboard and place it in the container. If you have a rectangular container, cut the paper towels in half, separate them into a stack of single wipes, and place them in the container. Fill the container with paper towels.

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      Close the container and gently rotate it to spread the liquid solution around until all of the paper towels absorb it.

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      Open the container and pull the paper towel from the inside of the roll through the opening in the top of the lid if you are using a cylindrical container. If not, simply open the lid to remove a wipe.