Home Garden

How to Do Grocery Shopping Weekly

Grocery shopping can be expensive and time-consuming, particularly if you make several trips to the store each week to buy recipe ingredients or pick up forgotten items. With a little planning, you can reduce grocery shopping to once a week. A weekly grocery shopping trip can save you time and money by reducing trips to the store and opportunities to make impulse purchases.


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      Plan a menu for the week. Include all meals, snacks and beverages your family will need.

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      Take an inventory of the ingredients you already have in your pantry, refrigerator and freezer to determine which ingredients you will need to purchase. This is also a good time to remove expired items and take note of items that are nearly expired or almost empty.

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      Scan your grocery store's weekly ad for sales on items your family uses frequently, if desired. Non-perishable items can be purchased in bulk to save money. You can also print or clip coupons, which can be used alone or combined with grocery store sales.

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      Create a list of recipe ingredients and other items you will need to purchase. Shopping from a list reduces your chance of forgetting necessary items and having to return to the store later in the week.

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      Clip any coupons you plan on using to your shopping list with a paper clip or carry them with you in a small coupon organizer. This will help you remember to take the coupons to the grocery store with you and make them easier to find at checkout.