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Animals & Plants With a High Concentration of Potassium

While it is common knowledge that bananas are naturally high in potassium, there are many animal and plant foods that join the banana in beneficial potassium levels. Animals include meat, fish and dairy items, and plants include fruits, vegetables and legumes. Knowing the concentrations of potassium in the foods you eat is important if you lack potassium, or, in the case of heart patients, if potassium needs to be limited due to reduced kidney function.
  1. Meats

    • Meat is less often viewed as a source of potassium than many fruits and vegetables, but many are comparable in potassium levels. The highest on the list are beef and veal. A grilled fillet steak contains 470 mg of potassium per serving, while roasted veal cutlets contain 430. Organ meats, like livers, hearts and kidneys, contain 340 to 370 mg. Bacon is also high with 300 mg, and a serving of roasted turkey has 280 mg. The lowest concentration of potassium is offered by processed meats like hot dogs, sausage rolls and corned beef.


    • Many fruits actually exceed the banana in the amount of potassium per serving, and dried fruits are the gold standard. Dried apricots pack a whopping 1,880 mg per serving, with dried figs, peaches and raisins coming in a close second. Avocados and rhubarb surpass bananas as well, containing 400 mg to the banana's 350 mg. Apples and watermelon are among the lowest potassium containing fruits.

    Vegetables and Legumes

    • As an herb used widely in many cuisines, parsley is the potassium powerhouse of the vegetable world, with two sprigs containing 1,080 mg. High potassium veggies to include are mushrooms, potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, yams, cauliflower and bamboo shoots. Legumes, or beans, are also high in potassium, and the heavy-hitters are baked beans in tomato sauce and soya beans.

    Dairy and Fish

    • Dried milk, both whole and skimmed, contain the highest concentrations of potassium, with 1,270 mg and 1,650 mg, respectively. Cream cheese contains 160 mg and plain yogurt has 175 mg. Fresh heavy cream contains 230 mg per serving. Seafood is a good source of potassium, with flounder containing the most at 585 mg per serving. Scallops are the second best choice with 480 mg. Fresh tuna has 280 mg, and canned crab only 100 mg.