Home Garden

How to Get the Smell Out of a Wall When a Rodent Died in It

The smell of a rotting rodent behind a wall is something you'll likely never forget. Unfortunately, finding the dead rodent and removing can be quite difficult. Therefore, you're going to have to live with the smell -- which can last up to two weeks -- unless you hire a pest-control specialist to find the rodent and remove its carcass. Don't fret, though -- there are several things you can try to remove some of the odor and make staying in your home a bit more bearable.

Things You'll Need

  • Fans
  • Air purifier
  • Bowls
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Vanilla
  • Activated charcoal
  • Lemon juice
  • Kitty litter
  • Disinfectants
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      Open the windows in your home as much as possible and utilize fans that blow outward in your windows.

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      Use air purifiers with a filtration system to get rid of the odors near the wall and in the rooms where they are the most noticeable.

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      Set bowls of baking soda, vinegar, vanilla, activated charcoal, lemon juice or kitty litter near the areas where you smell the rodent odors. These are home remedies that, according to the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, have odor-removing characteristics. If one doesn't get rid of the smell to your satisfaction, try another.

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      Spray room disinfectants that remove odors. You can also mask the odors, if desired, with candles or potpourri.