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How to Make an Exterior Tile Floor Less Slippery

Smooth and glossy tiles have a bright shine that can't be matched by textured tiles. If these tiles are outside and are susceptible to rain, ice or moss, they can become slippery and can be a hazard. Prevent this by using a clear substance that will create a rough surface on the tile and prevent it from being slippery. Purchase this at a home improvement or hardware store. Purchase a solution intended for your specific tile material. Always follow your manufacturer's specific directions.

Things You'll Need

  • Liquid dish soap
  • Scrubbing brush
  • Clear grip solution
  • Colored bonding solution
  • Two mop heads
  • Bucket
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      Remove furnishings from the area.

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      Clean the floors thoroughly with the cleaning solution provided in the grip kit. If none is provided, clean the floors with very hot water mixed with dish soap. Scrub the floors thoroughly with a scrubbing brush.

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      Rinse the tile floor with clear water from your hose and let it dry completely for 24 hours.

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      Mix the bonding agent with water according to the manufacturer's directions. Set the bucket aside. The bonding agent is normally colored rather than clear.

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      Pour the clear grip solution directly onto a clean mop head. Push the mop head over the tile floor. Work in small sections and spread a thick layer of the clear solution directly on the floor.

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      Immediately dip a second mop in the bonding agent solution and apply it to the floor. Apply in the small directions in the same direction and order as you applied the clear drip solution. This solution will bond the clear layer to the tile.

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      Immediately rinse the mop with clear water and push the damp mop over the floor to remove any bubbles that have formed or to remove excess liquid. Repeat the process at least twice.

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      Let the floor dry completely.