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Repellents for Dragonfly Mosquitoes

Dragonflies eat mosquitoes and offer an effective repellent along with other types of wildlife, including frogs and toads. These creatures provide a natural way of ridding your yard of pesky mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can carry West Nile virus and other types of diseases that can make you and your family sick.
  1. Dragonfly Mosquito Repellent

    • The Dragon Mosquito System repels mosquitoes living around your home. Mosquito Solutions, the company behind the device, makes several devices under the brand name that uses traps in combination with its trademarked Conceal candles. The candles release a light fragrance that permeates the surrounding area and attracts mosquitoes. The insects move towards the candle and the trap catches the bugs. According to the manufacturer, the devices attract female mosquitoes and by killing only the females, the device stops the mosquitoes from reproducing.

    Natural Repellents

    • Repel mosquitoes naturally with plants. Catnip, horsemint, ageratum, rosemary and marigolds all repel mosquitoes. Grow the plants outside where you notice a mosquito problem. Curbly.com recommends rubbing crushed leaves on your clothing and skin for an extra layer of protection. Rosemary, sage and parsley also repel mosquitoes. For parsley, crush a few leaves of parsley and pour into a cup of apple cider vinegar. Use the solution on your skin and repel insects. Remove any areas of standing water from your yard, as the water attracts mosquitoes.

    Wildlife Repellents

    • Bats feed off different types of bugs, including mosquitoes. According to Curbly, one brown bat may eat up to 600 mosquitoes in just 60 minutes. Consider adding a bat house near your home. Frogs, toads, certain types of lizards and dragonflies also eat mosquitoes. Bringing the mosquito-eating creatures into your yard may help end your mosquito problem.


    • Anytime you add a new element to your yard, you risk balancing the ecosystem. Even introducing dragonflies to your yard can upset the balance. The dragonflies also eat other insects that provide benefits, such as spiders that eat other bugs that feed off plants. You also risk moving the wildlife into your neighbors' yards.