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How to Get the Mothball Smell Out of Books

While mothballs are highly effective for repelling moths, the odor they leave behind may repel people as well. Mothballs contain fumigant pesticides, so their odor is not only a nuisance but also potentially hazardous. A book that has been stored around mothballs may retain the chemical odor, making it unpleasant to read. With some special treatment, however, the book can be made odor-free and ready to return to the bookshelf.

Things You'll Need

  • 1-Gallon freezer bag
  • Ground coffee, kitty litter or baking soda
  • Newspaper
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    • 1

      Set the book outside in the sun for at least an hour to allow the sun and fresh air to work their magic. Open the book up and turn it to a different page every few minutes.

    • 2

      Pour 1 cup of baking soda, ground coffee or fresh kitty litter into a 1-gallon freezer bag.

    • 3

      Place the book into the freezer bag, and seal it up.

    • 4

      Set the bag in a cool, dry place for 48 to 72 hours. Remove the book from the bag and check it for odors. If the smell is still there, return the book to the bag with fresh baking soda, kitty litter or ground coffee for another 48 to 72 hours.