Home Garden

Homemade Refrigerator Deodorizer

Forgotten leftovers, spilled food and unwelcome bacteria can leave your refrigerator with a decidedly unappetizing odor. Ignoring foul smells in the refrigerator usually just makes the problem worse. You can purchase a specific refrigerator deodorizer product, but common items you likely already have at home can effectively deodorize the appliance. Homemade refrigerator deodorizers absorb or mask unpleasant odors so you don't have to worry about your stomach turning whenever you open the door.
  1. Vanilla Extract and Cotton Balls

    • A small amount of vanilla goes a long way, and the strong, sweet scent of the extract can deodorize your refrigerator. Simply dampen a cotton ball with it and place it in the corner of a shelf, in the crisper drawer or in any area where you won't disturb it. Replace the cotton ball weekly to keep your refrigerator smelling fresh. If you do not have vanilla extract, dampen the cotton ball with fresh lemon juice instead.

    Newspapers and Activated Charcoal

    • When refrigerator odors become unbearable, you may need to absorb the odors instead of covering them up with a scent. Good Housekeeping recommends removing all the food and drawers from the refrigerator and packing the compartments with crumpled newspapers. Once you fill the refrigerator with old newspapers, scatter activated charcoal briquettes over them to help absorb the odors. Shut the refrigerator door and leave the refrigerator running for up to 48 hours before you remove the newspapers.

    Baking Soda

    • Setting an open box of baking soda in the refrigerator absorbs odors and keeps the appliance smelling fresh. Instead of using a whole box of baking soda, you can fill a small saucer with it and replace it every other month. When you clean your refrigerator, you can sprinkle baking soda onto a damp washcloth and wipe down all the surfaces to deodorize the refrigerator. Always rinse the refrigerator with clean water after you clean it with baking soda.

    Tomato Juice

    • Reader's Digest suggests wiping the refrigerator down with tomato juice when the odor from spoiled foods overwhelms the appliance. Always remove the spoiled food before you clean the refrigerator. Dampen a sponge with pure tomato juice and wipe down the refrigerator and all the compartments. After you wipe down the refrigerator, clean it with warm water and soap. Rinse the refrigerator and dry it thoroughly with a towel to remove the excess moisture. Replace the tomato juice with distilled white vinegar if you desire because white vinegar also neutralizes odors.