Home Garden

How to Add Humidity to the Dry Air in Your Home

Air that lacks moisture can cause skin to become overly dry. The air can be especially dry during winter months when the heating system runs constantly. You can add humidity to the air in your home by using one of several methods on a day-to-day basis. Combining some of the methods can increase the humidity greatly, making your home much more comfortable.

Things You'll Need

  • Clothes racks or hangers
  • Potted plants
  • Buckets
  • Humidifier
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      Arrange your clothes dryer so that it vents inside your home rather than outside the home. That strategy is especially helpful in winter, adding both heat and moisture to the air in your home.

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      Dry clothes on clothes racks or hangers inside your home. Air drying clothes inside allows the moisture in the damp clothes to evaporate into the air.

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      Place potted plants throughout your house, and keep them watered well. The plants will add moisture to the air.

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      Cook on top of the stove instead of using the oven whenever possible. Cooking on the stove top allows moisture in food to evaporate into the air.

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      Boil pots of water uncovered when cooking on your stove. The steam will evaporate, adding humidity to the air.

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      Place buckets of water in your home. As the water evaporates, the air's humidity will increase.

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      Keep the bathroom fan off when showering. Doing so retains steam created by the shower, which helps to increase the air's humidity.

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      Purchase a humidifier to add moisture mechanically to your home's air.