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Advantages of a Down Alternative Comforter

Modern textile production techniques offer alternatives to goose down for the allergic or cost-conscious consumer, and time-conscious housekeepers appreciate the option of machine washable bedding. Animal-friendly products especially appeal to animal lovers. Cozy synthetic or natural products, or a combination of both, are widely available to substitute for the luxurious warmth of traditional down comforters.
  1. Allergies

    • An allergy to dust mites is the likely culprit for most sufferers who feel sensitive to down. Modern down products are thoroughly prepared for market with intensive, multiple washings, but even the cleanest down eventually picks up dust and mites. Hot-water-washable synthetic products are good substitutes for down in allergy-prone homes since regularly washing comforters in hot water every week to 10 days controls dust mites.


    • Down comforters require dry cleaning or careful machine washing, and merchants recommend regularly airing down comforters outdoors. The ability to keep comforters clean through the cold-winter season with indoor maintenance is a definite labor-saving advantage, and many washable down alternatives can be hot-air dried. Down packs and requires regular fluffing to stay evenly distributed while synthetic down-alternative comforters stay fluffy between washings.


    • High-quality goose down comforters and their natural alternatives are expensive luxury items, but synthetic products are cost-effective, comfortable substitutes. Both online and brick-and-mortar outlets offer synthetic down substitutes at attractively low prices. Comparing prices and quality among several sources ensures your individual preferences will be met.


    • Many natural and synthetic textile choices are animal-friendly.

      Mature live geese, beginning at the age of about 10 weeks, supply down every 6 weeks as they naturally molt. Manufacturers also reap down at the time geese are slaughtered for food production. People who wish to purchase animal-friendly textiles choose synthetics, cotton, lyocell, alpaca or wool as these are brought to market without a perceived negative effect on animal welfare.

    Down Alternatives

    • Comforters made from lyocell, cotton, wool, alpaca, silk or synthetic fabrics provide alternatives to down in varying levels of comfort, price and ease of care. Biodegradable lyocell is produced from wood pulp with an Earth-friendly process. Alpaca achieves higher loft than wool but has inferior moisture-wicking capabilities. Luxurious silk is woven into layers for natural, expensive comforters. Regularly clean bedding of every kind, according its accompanying instructions, to control dust mites.