Home Garden

Cleaning Tips for a Nonstick Pan

Cooking with nonstick pans reduces the amount of time it takes to clean up after baking a batch of brownies or after whipping up a batch of fluffy pancakes. Nonstick surface treatments prevent food debris from burning or sticking to the pan’s interior surface, which means less time spent scrubbing and more time to enjoy eating your latest culinary masterpiece.
  1. Cleaning Methods

    • Once the nonstick pan is cool and you’ve removed any leftover food, use a damp dish towel to wipe the pan’s interior. This loosens any food particles and allows you to remove them with one quick swipe over the sink or kitchen trash. Use a small amount of liquid dishwashing solution to help clean stubborn food debris. Dry a nonstick pan with a soft towel before storing it in the cupboard; doing so decreases the chances of water spots developing on the nonstick finish.


    • Teflon is a type of nonstick coating commonly found on certain brands of cookware. You may choose to put Teflon nonstick pans in your dishwasher or rinse them out with a solution of liquid soap and water. Use a small amount of vinegar to remove any mineral residue build-up from hard water exposure.


    • Don’t use an abrasive scrub pad to clean nonstick pans; it may scratch or remove the nonstick coating. Wipe the interior of the pan with a soft dish towel. Don’t use metal cooking utensils such as spatulas to scrape or remove food from nonstick pans, as doing so may damage the interior coating. Review the nonstick pan manufacturer’s cleaning instructions to ensure you don’t violate the warranty on your cookware by using traditional cleaning methods.


    • If you cook or bake with a pan that has a damaged nonstick interior coating, food residue may build up on certain areas of the pan. If you notice the nonstick coating of your pan beginning to flake off, you may want to discard the pan so as not to contaminate your food. Keep in mind that letting food residue sit in a nonstick pan overnight may make it harder to clean.